Roses Delivery

All bouquets are collected from fresh flowers.



Sweet Kiss


Swirl Candy




Soft Blush


Ruby Glow


Red Velvet


Loving Heart


Blooming Love


Red Roses & Vase


Red Roses


Barbie Girl


Pink Floyd Roses


White Roses


At TheFlow, we proudly offer a breathtaking selection of fresh roses suitable for any occasion. Our expertly crafted beautiful rose bouquets and arrangements are ideal for celebrating love, expressing gratitude, or adding a touch of elegance to any setting. Whether you're looking to make a statement or simply brighten someone's day, our beautiful roses are sure to impress.

General Symbolism of Rose Colors

Color Symbolism
Red Love and passion
Pink Gratitude, grace, and joy
White Purity and innocence
Yellow Friendship and cheerfulness
Orange Enthusiasm and fascination
Lavender Enchantment and love at first sight

How to choose a great rose bouquet for any occasion

Choosing the perfect rose bouquet can feel overwhelming with so many options available. However, there are traditions and general guidelines to help you select the right flowers for various holidays and important events.

For a birthday bouquet, we recommend a stunning arrangement of 24 roses in cheerful shades of peach, light pink, and orange. These vibrant colors will bring a ray of sunshine and a big smile to any birthday celebrant.

When it comes to Mother’s Day, it’s wise to plan ahead or even pre-order your rose bouquet delivery. A magnificent bouquet of roses is an excellent choice. Its lush appearance and delightful fragrance will fill any living room with the essence of spring, making it a heartfelt gift that will surely touch your mother’s heart.

Celebrating the achievements of friends or family is always a thoughtful gesture. Consider a spray roses bouquet. Its elegant look perfectly reflects the recipient's success. For close friends, opt for pink roses, while a purple rose bouquet is ideal for business partners or mentors. If you’re still uncertain, a classic white rose bouquet serves as a timeless and neutral choice that fits any occasion.

DATE AND TIME OF Roses Delivery

When ordering you are offered to choose the desired date of delivery, if you need to specify a more exact delivery time of flowers – please contact the manager in any convenient way.

If you have any questions, the manager will contact you as soon as you place your order.

We work Mon-Sun: 9.00 am – 9.00 pm, so if you pay for your order at another time, the delivery time starts from 11:00 am.