Pink Floyd Roses
$135.00 – $245.00
Bright bouquet of flowers in fuchsia color scheme. The rose has a delightful fragrance. Includes: roses.
The bouquet is carefully wrapped in matte film and tied with decorative ribbons.
Standard – 24 roses
Large – 50 roses
Size on the photo – Large.
Premium Delivery
Our premium delivery service offers a range of exquisite extras that will take your flower experience to new heights.
With every order, enjoy a complimentary Aqua Box to keep your flowers fresh and vibrant, a sleek eco bag for convenient transportation, an elegant envelope for a touch of sophistication, flower food to nourish your blooms and detailed care instructions to help you keep your flowers looking their best.
Discover the luxury of THEFLOW's premium delivery – it's all included at no extra cost to you.
1 review for Pink Floyd Roses
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Jeffrey –
I bought these beautiful roses for my wife for her birthday. The delivery was made on time. I am satisfied with everything